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We presented our PraktikApp Paper at TEI 2022

The 16th international Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction took place virtually and was hosted from KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. With this year’s theme “Making. Things. Think.” the conference brought together researchers, practitioners, businesses, artists, designers and students from various disciplines, including engineering, interaction design, computer science, product design, media studies and the arts.

The authors of the PraktikApp team were invited to present their paper Interactive Tables for Social Experiences at Home online in the morning of Wednesday February 16 (UTC +1) and to respond to questions from the audience. The paper describes the 4 design principles for privately used, domestic interactive tables (Sociality, Flexibility, Distinctiveness, and Homeyness) and their extraction from a literature review on interactive tables on the one hand and a survey on positive moments at non-interactive tables on the other. Currently, the efficacy of these 4 design principles is being tested as part of a field study with the prototype designed in PraktikApp.

The paper and its supplemental material can be read and downloaded via the ACM Digital Library (free access). Further information about the ongoing development of our interactive table system is regularly updated on PraktikApp’s Website.